Midsommar was one of the most successful films of the year, frightening viewers with ritualistic terror and a music score that’ll keep you up at night. Featuring some grotesque scenes and bloodcurdling makeup/effects, Midsommar’s director Ari Aster’ relied on intense immersion and historical accuracy rather than jumpscares and monsters to horrify viewers.

There’s no shortage of frightening scenes from this film but this highlights the ones that had viewers gasping with fear. Without further ado, here are the Top Ten Most Terrifying Moments from Midsommar.

Blood Eagle

This scene wasn’t too long, but for good reason. Simon’s punishment for acting out at the first phase of the festival resulted in the complete evisceration of his body. Known as a Blood Eagle, Simon’s back and torso were opened, exposing major organs while keeping him alive for the entire process. If viewers weren’t convinced before the ritual was sadistic, this was surely enough evidence to do so.

Ending Sacrifice

While the ending had some fans scratching their heads as to the meaning behind Dani’s sinister smile, the concluding ritual had them shivering. After seeing Simon tied up in a Blood Eagle, Christian is paralyzed and placed in the body of the dead bear.

He’s then burned alive along with the bodies of his friends and two volunteers. Midsommar went from zero to sixty quickly, and this final sacrifice was the cherry on top.

Face Mask

Will Poulter’s character, Mark, played the comedic foil of the group and ultimately paid the price for it. After peeing on a sacred area, Mark essentially signed his death warrant and was flayed. His face is turned into a mask later seen when Josh sneaks into the library for his research. No words were needed from the man wearing the mask, just the image of Mark’s lifeless skin with a different set of eyes.

Mating Scene

Dani and Christian’s relationship is tested throughout the entire movie, and it all comes to an end with the mating scene. While this scene had some laughing, others were left unsettled as festival-goers watched as Christian was with a woman who came of age. He wasn’t loyal after all, granted he was under substances.

Intimacy in a movie is one thing, but this was no Jack and Rose romance but creepy Kubrick voyeuristic intimacy that left a bitter taste in viewers’ mouths.

Beginning Death

One thing Midsommar does masterfully is it’s effortless ability to make viewers feel the pain Dani endures, emotionally and physically. The introduction scene which showed her entire family dead along with Dani’s bloodcurdling scream set the tone for the rest of the film, buckling viewers up for one ride they won’t forget. Something as simple as a scream is turned into a nightmare for the audience, who are forced to sit and listen to nothing but this for a minute. Along with the context, this was nothing short of true horror.

Substance Trip

When in Rome, right? Or Sweden in this case as Dani and Co. did some substances to calm down and kick off their trip. But for Dani, the substances induce traumatizing images that leave her running around terrified. Know your limits, Dani, don’t go wandering off after taking some mysterious substance.

The spinning grass and glassy imagery made viewers feeling like they were on a trip as well, seeing disfigured faces before them only to realize this was just the beginning of a horrorfest like no other.

Out with the Old, In with the New

The two elderly people were likely to pass away, but not in the fashion Dani and Co. witnessed. This scene had viewers terrified to the core with realistic effects and makeup along with some grotesque imagery. Not only that, but the Donkey Kong-like hammer sitting in the background had fans looking over their shoulder the entire time. The lack of music and use of breathing made everything about this scene even more terrifying than it already was.


Dani can’t get a break, after her family’s death and boyfriend-betrayal she finally loses it with the festival-goers joining in on the fun. Dani’s screaming accompanied by theirs was surreal, unsettling but also beautifully terrifying.

No matter how much Dani screams, her agony will never end, the only solace found is in the purging of her friends and the completion of the festival. Yes, queen, rock that May Queen look.

Foot in the Dirt

When all hell breaks loose after Christian’s creepy mating scene, his friend’s fates finally come to light. Josh’s leg sticking out the ground was straight out of a Stephen King novel, making viewers gasp as the beloved group is broken, literally. This, along with everything else unfolding simultaneously, was pure chaos. Even better was the fact that it didn’t stop from there, and the horror kept coming and coming. But the sight of Josh’s leg was enough to convince viewers they’re all doomed, with the exception of Dani whose suffering is finally ceased with her friends finally killed off.

The Mural

The mural seen throughout the movie is essentially the screenplay, drawing out the events of the movie before they take place. Despite the lack of context, the sight of the mural itself was enough to send chills up viewers spines as they knew something wasn’t right.

The use of intensely bright colors and pagan-like rituals told the plot without directly giving it away, leaving viewers to see who suffers what fate seen in the mural. Art doesn’t have to be devoid of color to be scary, sometimes the most beautiful things can be filled with horrors upon closer inspection. What looked like a peaceful paradise in Sweden was really a death sentence with no escape.