Microsoft rarely moves fast to keep their Mac software up-to-date, so it’s a welcome sign that its Connector app has just been updated, ahead of the flurry of new Windows Phones expected any time now. Of course, Microsoft’s mobile platform is not faring well: It declined to a single-digit percent market share and is now tucked away under the Other category in market surveys.

But if you do care, the updated Connector app will let you access Microsoft’s app store called Marketplace, transfer ringtones to Mango-powered devices, drag files, import images from Apple’s Aperture app and fully sync Mango phones with your Mac. Bonus: It syncs Zunes, too. You can download Windows Phone 7 Connector from the Mac App Store free of charge. Full specs and couple more screenies after the break.

• Full sync and import support for Apple Aperture software • Drag and drop import of files from Browse Device • Ringtone transfer support (for phones running Windows Phone 7.5 or later) • Improved video conversion process with user configuration options • Support for Windows Phone Marketplace (for phones running Windows Phone 7.5 or later) • Localization support for 13 additional languages • Improvements to backup and restore operations • Improved configuration for podcast sync and photo import • Improved iTunes import support in certain languages • Improved metadata support for videos

• Added additional error codes and help references for device update • Resolved connectivity issues with certain devices • Resolved album art display issues for certain devices