Windows 10 Media Briefing

Speakers include leaders from the Operating Systems Group which includes Terry Myerson, Joe Belfiore, Phil Spencer, and the head of it all — CEO Satya Nadella. There is a lot of hope and speculation about what Microsoft will be presenting tomorrow from new hardware features to what’s new in the OS. If you’re already testing the Windows 10 Technical Preview Build 9879, you’ve seen the basics of what’s coming i.e, Start menu, Flac and MKV support, OneDrive changes, Cortana, and more.

Other new features we should see in action are “Continuum” which modifies the way Windows 10 looks and feels based on how you’re trying to interact with it. On a tablet – you’ll see the modern touch-centric UI and on a laptop you’ll be dealing with the desktop where keyboard and mouse are you controls. This is perfect for the hybrid computers that allow connecting and disconnecting a keyboard easily, or system like the Lenovo Yoga line where you can flip the screen around and switch between touch or desktop mode easily.

According to All About Microsoft’s Mary Jo Foley reports that the Redmond giant will show off Windows 10 mobile and touch-first Office for Windows, however, the first mobile preview isn’t likely until February. Hopefully we’ll see Windows 10’s new “Spartan” browser, which is said to be light weight, clean, mobile, and works more like Google chrome and possibly support Chrome extensions. But for backward compatibility, IE is still there to take over. And, we should see how Windows 10 will work as one platform across all types of devices, from classic desktops, to laptops and convertibles, Xbox, to Windows Phone and the so-called “Internet of Things”. It’s a safe bet that there will be a an announcement of a platform for developers that makes it easy to create apps for all products in the Windows 10 family.

That are just a few of the new features you can expect to hear about later today. What ever the case, if you’re a Microsoft enthusiast, or developer you’ll definitely want to catch the event, and if you can’t see it live, it will be available on demand shorty after its finished at the same site: After you see the event, make sure to join us in our Windows 10 forum for more news and discussion. Comment