Windows 10 Redstone 5 Preview Build 17733

Microsoft notes that the dark theme for File Explorer is in the completion stage. “Today’s build marks the turning point where we’ve finished what we set out to do for this release,” writes Microsoft’s Dona Sarkar and Brandon LeBlanc. Just to note, I’ve been using the dark theme for File Explorer on a couple test systems during these preview builds and haven’t been overly enthused with it. I would hope the company continues to work on it and provide a better experience, similar to how Apple does its dark mode in macOS Mojave, but the company claims it got it right now. We’ll have to see how it turns out after trying it out in today’s build.

In addition to the dark theme for File Explorer, here is a look at other changes and improvements that are included in today’s build:

Thanks everyone for your feedback about the XAML shadows we added recently. We’re taking them offline for the moment while we work on addressing some of the things you shared with us. You will also notice that the acrylic has been removed from some popup controls. They will be back in a future flight.We fixed an issue from recently flights where the touch keyboard might become invisible on the screen.We fixed an issue in recent flights where components of a notification with a progress bar (like the one when using nearby sharing) might flash every time the progress bar updated.We fixed an issue where on certain devices if you reset your device and chose to keep files, after logging back into Windows the Sound Settings page would be unresponsive.We fixed the issue where the High Contrast dropdown flashed when the values were changed.

As is the case with all preview builds, there are also known issues for users and developers alike. In fact, there is still a long list this time and you should make sure to read Microsoft’s full post for full details and workarounds. Comment