The announcement came late in the day from Microsoft exec Gabe Aul on Twitter.

— Gabriel Aul (@GabeAul) May 16, 2016 Microsoft notes on its Windows Experience Blog:

Windows 10 Mobile Preview Build 14342

Here are some of the new features you can expect from this latest build: Swipe navigation in Microsoft Edge: This is one of the most requested features from Insiders and allows you to use swipe gestures to navigate back and forward between visited websites in Edge. Apps for websites: This new feature allows you to redirect supported sites to open in its app instead of the browser. It’s new, so supported apps are still in progress. You’ll be able to manage them by going to Settings > System > Apps. Feedback Hub improvements: New improvements include easier-to-find feedback categories based on the title and description entered. This will help make sure your feedback gets to the right Microsoft engineers. Microsoft also notes that just like Build 14342 for PC, Wi-Fi Sense has been removed. Contrary to reports that Wi-Fi Sense isn’t secure, the team removed it because lack of interest from users. Since no one is using it, the team doesn’t want to waste time supporting it. For a full list of what’s new and the known issues in this latest mobile preview build, check out the Windows Experience Blog. Microsoft rolled out a bug fix for this build this week. According to its blog post: After installing it on your phone, let us know how things are or aren’t working in the comments below. Comment