Update: And one more:

[tweet https://twitter.com/MSFTnews/status/172098558017810432]

Microsoft attempted to kibosh the news surrounding its Microsoft Office app for the iPad started by The Daily earlier today. It told The New York Times: 

It also told Mary Jo Foley of ZDNet:

She later added this communication from Hickey:

A Microsoft employee released a third statement to the MacObserver:

It sounds like Microsoft is doing a non-denial denial. But wait, Hickey has more:


Peter Ha responded to Mary Jo Foley that not only is the above screenshot from the Microsoft Office iPad app, but it was shown to them by someone at Microsoft.

[tweet https://twitter.com/ThePeterHa/status/172062951447072768]

What’s going on here? Any takers?

  • Microsoft Office for iPad spotted, soon to hit App Store (9to5mac.com)