People have been talking about the Golden Age of Television for so long and the many streaming services have made it even easier to watch more content than ever before. While the latest crop are shiny and new and all offer different content, we’ll never break up with Netflix. From the original series that make us laugh and cry (and wait impatiently for more) to the old shows that we watch again and again, there’s always something entertaining.

We can always rely on a good meme to help us clarify how we feel about something, and in this case, it’s the experience of sitting at home and watching (a lot of) Netflix. Here are 10 hilarious Netflix memes.

There’s Nothing To Watch

Just like you can stare at your closet for an hour and say to yourself, “I have absolutely nothing to wear,” you can stare at Netflix for a while and think that there’s nothing that you want to watch. This is part of the “paradox of choice” theory by Barry Schwartz. It seems like it’s great that there are so many TV shows and movies to decide on… but what if you make the wrong choice? What if you don’t find the perfect new show to binge or the best film for your Friday night? Your time is precious, after all.

A 2016 study says that people look through the options on Netflix for 17.8 minutes before settling on something. It can really feel like there’s nothing that you’re in the mood for, and then you’ve wasted half an hour. This meme really speaks the truth about this.

These Would Be Amazing

This meme is hilarious and also makes us wish that they were real. How helpful would these be?

The section about episode quality is particularly great since everyone has had the experience of loving a TV series and then wondering what happened to that amazing show. Suddenly, it doesn’t feel quite as binge-worthy, and there are so many random storylines that you wonder if you should (gasp) stop watching. The section about Netflix picking a TV show or movie for the user is also really funny. We would all benefit from being told what to watch sometimes, especially when we’re watching Netflix with our partner and they can’t decide on anything, either.

A Universal Experience

This meme is hilarious and gets to the heart of the process of binge-watching. It’s actually pretty crazy that we do this because, as the meme explains, we race to finish a series and then are so distraught.

Maybe we should make a New Year’s resolution to spread out each season more? That could be a good 2020 goal. The only problem is that, as all professional TV watchers know, we would be unable to stop ourselves from watching another episode… and another… and another. We could try it, though, and maybe we would at least get through January.

Got Anything To Do Today?

Perhaps the most hilarious Netflix meme of all, this one gets to the heart of the Netflix user’s experience: spending an entire day watching a TV show.

What did we do with our time before this streaming service came along? Did we actually go on walks and talk to other people? What about cleaning our apartments and making dinner from scratch and taking up a new hobby? Those things sound pretty nice… but then again, so does getting cozy on the couch and watching another episode of Friends.

The Best Kind Of Marathon

What’s better: a Netflix marathon or an actual one? Let’s compare the two. With the former, you can sit on the couch (or lie in bed), eat pizza, and relax. With the latter, you have to train for months, try harder than you ever have before, and then you have the feeling of accomplishing a goal.

Okay, so that last part might be pretty great. But still. Many people would rather marathon a show on Netflix than go for a super long run, and this hilarious meme sums that up.

Breakups Are Tough

Before you and your partner have really committed to one another, sharing couple selfies and other parts of your relationship on social media can be pretty tricky. What if you break up and you have 100 photos of the two of you? This hilarious meme sums up the experience of breaking up with someone in the era of Netflix: you two share the same account… so things get confusing and awkward when you go your separate ways.

This poor guy not only had his heart broken but his Netflix account was still being used. Maybe he could go in and start watching some stuff that she would never pick to change the algorithm? (Just kidding, that would be mean.)

Nothing Like Some Fresh Air

This meme is a funny and accurate depiction of any couple who decides to do something other than stay in and watch Netflix all day long. They have good intentions, believing that fresh air does the body and mind good and that spending time in nature is a great relationship builder.

But then… you remember that there’s such a thing called Netflix, and it’s inside your apartment, and your apartment is warm and cozy and you can eat snacks and watch pretty much anything that you want to. Yeah… that sounds a lot better than going on a walk or hike.

A Real Existential Crisis

People talk a lot about how Netflix will ask the user if they’re still watching a show, and it can feel so annoying and judgemental. It also feels super obvious and you want to scream at your TV screen, “Of course I’m still watching, I’m obsessed with this show and your streaming service makes it so easy to watch all of it today.”

This meme is so funny because it changes that up slightly and makes this an existential question that will totally lead to a crisis. You really do start wondering where you are and what you’re doing with your life when you’ve been in a binge-watching stupor.

That’s Love

It’s the hallmark of a committed, serious relationship: you start watching Netflix together. You’ve finally reached the stage where you can watch the same TV shows and get invested in a series. It’s the definition of romance because what more could a TV addict want?!

This hilarious Netflix meme explains that being part of a happy, healthy relationship means respecting the rules of binge-watching. It’s not cool to watch something without your significant other, no matter how much you want to.

Sharing (Netflix Accounts) Is Caring

We learn about sharing in kindergarten, and maybe we should start teaching kids how to share Netflix accounts. Just kidding. (Kind of.)

You might share your account with your parents, or your sister, or even a friend. And the one day you’re minding your own business, about to sign into your account so you can find something good to watch, and you notice a new name. It’s your aunt’s, or your brother’s, or your four-year-old nephew who now has his own section on Netflix. It’s a wild world and we’re all just trying to find a new show to watch (after spending at least 17.5 minutes searching through the options).