As one of the original Avengers, Thor has anchored a quadrilogy of films that have vacillated in quality with Thor: The Dark World ranking among the MCU’s worst films and Thor: Ragnarok being considered among the best. But regardless of the quality of the movie, the Thor films have consistently been filled with great characters.

  • With Thor: Love and Thunder getting ready for its Disney+ debut, fans can sit down and revisit all four movies together. And while the God of Thunder certainly stands out in the franchise, he is surrounded by so many other wonderful characters, some of whom have been with him from the beginning and others who are relatively new additions. But regardless of their tenure, they all have their chance to shine in the Thor series.

Because the films involve travel throughout the Nine Realms, they introduce all kinds of different characters from across the universe. Given that the franchise takes inspiration from Shakespearean dramas, it is no surprise that they are often larger than life. The Thor movies are filled with memorable Asgardian warriors, spinoff-worthy villains, and unforgettable secondary characters.


While the Warriors Three were underused and largely forgotten in the Thor movies, Sif was able to stand out more as one of Thor’s greatest Asgardian allies. She is a brave and fearsome warrior who joins the God of Thunder in many battles but also goes out on her own adventures.

With Thor: Love and Thunder getting ready for its Disney+ debut, fans can sit down and revisit all four movies together. And while the God of Thunder certainly stands out in the franchise, he is surrounded by so many other wonderful characters, some of whom have been with him from the beginning and others who are relatively new additions. But regardless of their tenure, they all have their chance to shine in the Thor series.

With appearances in Agents of SHIELD, Loki and her return in Thor: Love and Thunder, she makes her way around the MCU. The movies thankfully sidestepped the love story that was hinted at and just allowed Sif to be a badass warrior on her own.

Erik Selvig

As one of the smartest characters in the MCU, Erik Selvig has been a lot of help to the heroes. Though he doesn’t have any superpowers, his intelligence has helped to save the day against Loki’s army in The Avengers and the Dark Elves in Thor: The Dark World.

But Erik has also proven himself a good friend to those around him, acting as a mentor figure for Jane and helping Thor find his new path when he was lost.


While he only makes one appearance in the Thor movies and was introduced elsewhere in the MCU, it is impossible to ignore how significant Hulk’s role was in Thor: Ragnarok. From his battle with Thor to their unexpected heart-to-heart to Banner’s banter with his fellow Avenger, he added a lot of fun to the movie.

It is also likely that Hulk and Banner had more character growth in that movie than in any MCU project before that. It helped him become the Smart Hulk version he is now.

Darcy Lewis

There was a time when Darcy was considered one of the worst MCU supporting characters. Her comedic sidekick role didn’t sit well with all fans, and she seemed unnecessary to the story. But her return in WandaVision and Kat Dennings’ winning performance seem to have made fans reconsider Darcy.

Though she is not always as helpful as she can be, she does deliver some big laughs in the Thor movies. Her casual attitude towards Thor and his Asgardian world is a lot of fun and gives her a charming down-to-earth quality.


Gorr is not only one of the most unsettling villains in the MCU, but he is also one of the most relatable. That might seem strange considering he is a god-killing menace, but the loss he experienced is truly heartbreaking and it manages to make him sympathetic.

Christian Bale’s performance really helps to elevate the character and make him truly memorable. He can be scary in one scene, only to have the audience’s heart break for him in the next.

The Grandmaster

Appearing in Thor: Ragnarok, the Grandmaster is the eccentric ruler of Sakaar. He uses his power to indulge in a lavish lifestyle, punish those who wrong him, and force prisoners to fight for his own entertainment. He is selfish, over-the-top, and capable of unspeakable cruelty.

While a character that brutal and tyrannical should be unlikable, Grandmaster’s charisma and odd mannerisms give him a unique charm. He is an awful dictator, but it is hard not to be won over by the entertaining and mysterious character.


As the all-seeing guard of the Bifrost Bridge, Heimdall possesses an impressive powerset. While he could have abused this immense power for selfish gain, Heimdall repeatedly proved his moral strength by always choosing to use his abilities to do what was in the best interest of Asgard and the Nine Realms, even when that meant disobeying Odin and risking punishment.

Even his final act was selfless, as he channeled the Bifrost Bridge one last time in order to save Hulk, an act that caused Thanos to kill Heimdall.


Odin is one of the most complicated and layered characters in the MCU as well as one of the most powerful Asgardian gods. He is stern and cold, often harshly criticizing his sons and withholding his affection. Additionally, Hela reveals the brutality and violence of Odin’s conquest and subjugation of the Nine Realms to Thor.

Odin could easily be considered a bad guy, but he also shows signs of a more endearing side of his personality. He acknowledges his failures just before his passing, showing humility and self-awareness not previously demonstrated. His spirit also returns in Thor’s greatest moment of need to provide the encouragement and inspiration that he never showed while alive.


As the kindest and most caring member of the royal family, Frigga is often forced to play peacekeeper and do her best to keep the family together. Unlike Odin, she is frequently supportive and encouraging of Thor and Loki.

She is willing to sacrifice her own life in order to protect Jane Foster and the Aether. Even after her death, Frigga continues to be a major influence on Thor and Loki as she reminds Thor of his true identity in Avengers: Endgame and the projection of her death clearly has an emotional impact on the God of Mischief in Loki.

Jane Foster

As one of Midgard’s leading astrophysicists, Jane Foster is one of the most intelligent characters in the MCU. Her experiences with Thor and travel to Asgard only expand her knowledge as she learns to synthesize her understanding of science and magic.

Her relationship with Thor also reveals her loving and compassionate side, showing her to be a kind and likable person. The character became even more interesting in Thor: Love and Thunder with her wielding Mjolnir as a superhero. While her future in the MCU is uncertain, many fans would like to see Jane’s Mighty Thor show up elsewhere.


In Thor: Ragnarok, Korg manages to steal every scene that he appears in. Despite his monstrous appearance and immense physical strength, the rock-like creature is surprisingly thoughtful and kind-hearted.

His dry delivery and quirky sense of humor easily make him one of the funniest characters in the MCU. While he is not the deepest or most important character, he is an entertaining personality who is a delightful addition to every scene he is in, making him one of the most likable in the franchise.


Hela is arguably Thor’s worst sibling, beating out Loki as the most villainous member of the family. Her insatiable thirst for war and domination makes her a ruthless killer. She is incredibly powerful, killing nearly all of the Valkyries, single-handedly taking down the army of Asgard, and crushing the near-indestructible Mjolnir with her bare hands.

Her relentless will to rule Asgard leads Thor to allow Surtur to destroy the planet in order to stop her. Hela’s flair for the dramatic and her unmatched fighting ability make her an entertaining character.


Valkyrie, or Brunnhilde, is a complicated character who has been through a lot. During her time on Sakaar, Valkyrie is clearly haunted by her past as she attempts to forget the war with Hela that decimated her people and left her without a homeworld.

But once she finds a renewed sense of purpose by teaming up with the Revengers, she demonstrates the courage, leadership, and loyalty that originally made her a great Valkyrie. All of these qualities make her not only a natural choice to take over as the ruler of New Asgard, but an interesting character who ranks as the Thor franchise’s finest and fiercest female warrior.


As the only hero to get four solo movies in the MCU so far, Thor has undergone a compelling character arc as he has transformed from a selfish hothead into a selfless and confident leader. This growth has come through many losses and failures, all of which Thor has used to become a better person. Thor has always possessed great fighting ability but has continued to gain emotional maturity.

With increasing moral character, a sympathetic emotional journey, and the ability to persist through loss, Thor has become an endearing and likable character. Additionally, Thor: Ragnarok unlocked the God of Thunder’s comedic potential, which was further mined in his most recent outing, Thor: Love and Thunder.


For many fans, the most entertaining and compelling character in the Thor movies has always been Loki. The character perfectly walks the line between sympathetic and villainous, serving as a key Avengers antagonist while also assisting his brother when the situation is dire enough to call for it.

Loki is dramatic, ambitious, and ultimately in search of love and acceptance. His complicated relationship with his family has provided the MCU with many memorable moments, such as the seaside reunion between Odin and his two sons. Regardless of the bad things he has done, fans are constantly rooting for him to find peace and happiness. There’s a reason why among all of Thor’s supporting characters, Loki is the only one to receive his own television show.

Next: The 20 Best MCU Quotes