One of the reasons that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been so successful is because the movies don’t take themselves too seriously. While DC has always been dark and serious, for the most part, Marvel’s movies have been lighter and allowed for plenty of comedy.

Even though the films still have tons of drama and emotion, they open the door for a lot of funny moments. Some movies are almost flat out comedies due to how many hilarious moments they have, and they have benefitted from that.

Marvel has created some absolutely hilarious characters over the course of this crazy universe, and in this article, we will rank the 10 funniest.


Someone always has to finish in last place, don’t they? Sadly when it comes to comedy in the Avengers, Hawkeye takes that spot. The main reason for that is the same reason that he’s many people’s least favorite Avenger because he doesn’t get focused on enough.

Hawkeye is often in the background and has always been the least featured member of the group. Because of that, he doesn’t get as many lines to bring in the comedy. When he has been a featured character, his story tends to be rather dark.

Of course, Hawkeye does have his moments of comedy, like every MCU character. He gets to chirp in with a few fantastic lines throughout, especially when he is with Black Widow, but overall he is certainly the least funny character.

Captain America

Captain America is one of those MCU characters that is unintentionally funny. Unlike most of the examples on this list, Steve Rogers isn’t someone who is loaded with jokes ready to let loose at any moment.

Things like, “I understood that reference,” from the original Avengers movie are perfect examples of how funny Captain America can be. Because he is so straight and serious, when he comes out with these lines it makes fans laugh.

Captain America might not be the first character that people think of when it comes to humor from Marvel. But if you sit back and watch the movies he is involved in, there is always a great laugh to be had from him.

Black Widow

She might have had to sacrifice herself during Avengers: End Game, but people will still look back fondly at Black Widow’s involvement in the franchise. Even though she doesn’t get as many comedy lines as other characters, when she gets the chance to be, Black Widow is very funny.

She’s dry in her humor, bringing out subtle lines of comedy when needed. Her moments of comedy normally come when the group is in a relaxed atmosphere and are just hanging out, which is where she really gets to shine.

With Black Widow getting her own individual movie as part of Marvel’s Phase Four, her story in the MCU isn’t quite finished either. Getting to play the lead role in a Marvel movie will also allow her humor to be highlighted even more, which could lead her to gain a few places on this list.


The character of Spider-Man is always meant to be funny. He has a cocky, witty edge and in Tom Holland, they have found the ideal cheeky chap to pull it off. Being able to get away with some witty one-liners while still remaining loveable and fun.

Spider-Man is young and he is meant to have a slight chip on his shoulder. Never meaning it in a mean way, Spider-Man comes out with jokes at the best of times, usually during fight scenes where he will mock his enemy while he fights them.

His schoolboy charm has worked to perfection so far and his banter with Iron-Man was always a ton of fun to watch. It’s going to be interesting to see how his humor develops alongside his character moving forward.


The Incredible Hulk is an extremely difficult character to get right in the movie world, but Marvel has done an amazing job with it. Somehow, they have managed to make Hulk loveable, emotional, and funny, all while maintaining his anger and destruction.

A lot of Hulk’s comedy comes through physical moments, which Marvel can do easily due to his size and strength advantage. This is evident in Thor: Ragnarok, where he totally changed that world by adding his comedy alongside Thor’s, proving he is one of the funniest characters in the MCU.

Now that Marvel has got the green guy and the scientist into one character, the future of Hulk is brighter than ever. Seeing Hulk have incredibly human features and characteristics should open him up for even more fun moving forward.

Ant Man

If you hire Paul Rudd, you know that there are going to be some comedic elements to it. Because Ant Man is one of Marvel’s most daring characters, adding some comedy to the role was a wise move, not taking it too seriously.

Unlike most of the actors in the MCU, Rudd is a comedy actor and giving him funny lines is playing to his strengths. He embraces the role with physical and verbal humor, with him smashing into the door repeatedly being one of Marvel’s funniest moments.

Working alongside Luis, Ant Man really has taken on a life of its own. With Paul Lang openly mocking the ridiculousness of his superpower as he acts like a fan around the Avengers is just too funny to watch.

Iron Man

Tony Stark really does have a personality that should be unlikeable to an audience. However, the way that Robert Downey Jr. performed in the role, bringing his natural charisma, charm, and wit transformed him into one of Marvel’s most beloved characters.

Iron Man’s main humor does come when he is just being Tony because that’s when the guard is down. Making jokes on a constant basis, Stark actually uses humor as a defense mechanism for some of his deep-rooted problems.

However, it is always entertaining. He has killer one-liners that he is able to bring out whenever needed against not only his enemies but his fellow Avengers.


Without a doubt, the funniest character in the Marvel world is Thor. Even without the Bro Thor character, which is a sheer comedy for most of Avengers: End Game, he is an incredibly funny character. Because he is presented as a god when he is the human world he just doesn’t understand things.

This is especially true in the original Thor when he smashes his coffee cup on the floor, demanding another one. However, it continues all the way through the movies with Thor not quite understanding how human life works as he tries to fit in.

In later movies, Marvel was smart and placed him with the Guardians and from there, his humor has gone to another level. Bouncing off others with amazing one-liners, the way Chris Hemsworth plays Thor just screams comedy and thankfully it has worked out for the best.