In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there are many different romantic relationships that are explored. These relationships aren’t always the center of the story by any means, but they do play a role. One big criticism that has been made about the MCU is that some of these relationships felt underdeveloped and narratively forced.

However, there are also many of these couples that were well-done. While everyone has their favorites, there were some couples that fans overall enjoyed and others that people overall found annoying. Here are five couples from the franchise that people loved and five that people couldn’t stand.

Loved: Peter and MJ

One relationship that people were waiting to see since Spider-Man: Homecoming was between Peter and MJ. Seeing these two fall for each other and become romantically involved was rather rewarding because it was done in a believable way that did justice to both of the characters.

This was down in a sweet, age-appropriate way. It’s hard not to root for this couple and for both of these characters to be happy.

Annoying: Jane Foster and Thor

One of the worst couples in the entire MCU is Jane Foster and Thor. While these two were also a couple in the comics, something about their relationship just fell flat in the MCU.

This is likely due to the fact that they didn’t seem to have a lot of chemistry. Jane Foster wasn’t given much of a well-rounded personality, and Thor never seemed all that ended in the relationship. It’s no surprise that their relationship was mostly written out of the franchise.

Loved: Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes

This is the only couple on this list that isn’t technically a romantic couple. While Steve and Bucky don’t get together in canon, there is compelling evidence and arguments to be made about why they should have been.

This relationship gets some of the most development and focus in the entire MCU, and many fans have theorized that these two would have been together if one of them had been a woman. It’s a shame that this will only ever be a fanon relationship.

Annoying: Bruce Banner and Natasha Romanoff

One of the most despised couples in the MCU was the one between Bruce and Natasha. This relationship seemed to come out of nowhere and did both of these characters a disservice.

This pairing made Natasha into some sort of damsel, and many people were upset about the fact that it made the analogy that she was a monster because she couldn’t have children. This is another couple that was mostly written out of the MCU because it was so awkward and annoying.

Loved: Ned Leeds and Betty Brant

While many of the MCU movies don’t do a good job of developing romance, Spider-Man: Far From Home actually did a great job of handling teen love.

While Peter and MK were a great couple, one of the most fun ways was Ned and Betty. While their relationship didn’t last long, it was really endearing and likable. The way it didn’t have to last forever was also rather refreshing and realistic for a high school romance.

Annoying: Wanda and Vision

Wanda and Vision might be a couple from the franchise that has been given some screen time and development, but this doesn’t mean they aren’t annoying. Vision is rather unlikable and lacks charisma, and many people miss the days before when he was just Jarvis.

While they might be a couple in the comics, too, they just seem rather strange when compared to the rest of the couples in the MCU. These two are hard to really love even if they’ve gotten a far amount of screentime over the years.

Loved: Tony Stark and Pepper Potts

While not everyone loves the dynamic between Tony and Pepper, many people did. There’s no denying that these two were given the most long-term relationship development in the MCU.

This relationship didn’t start out well, but, over time, Tony learned to become a much more engaged and caring partner. In the end, these two had a short period of happiness before Tony’s tragic death occurred.

Annoying: Steve Rogers and Sharon Carter

Of all the couples that the MCU put together, Stee and Sharon might be one of the most hated. Fans and critics alike pointed out that this relationship felt forced and weird. It seemed strange given that Sharon was related to Peggy, and many people also felt it was just an attempt to make it clear that Steve wasn’t into Bucky Barnes.

Sharon also deserved her own character development and not just be a side interest.

Loved: T’Challa and Nakia

The relationship between T’Challa and Nakia was a great example of how a romance can be shown without needing to spend tons of time on it. This relationship seemed believable and real without it needing to be the sole focus of the narrative. This is because it was established these two had a past relationship and good chemistry.

They were also both well-rounded characters outside of the relationship. It was easy to love seeing these two together, and it showed that a romance could be done well even when only given a small amount of screentime.

Annoying: Stephen Strange and Christine Palmer

Stephen Strange and Christine Palmer were a rather short-lived but still rather annoying couple in the MCU. Stephen Strange was a jerk and a narcissist, and this relationship wasn’t endearing and compelling.

It’s unfortunate that Rachel McAdams was rather wasted in the MCU. The character of a Christine wasn’t particularly interesting and was relegated to just a love interest role, and it was one of the least interesting romantic relationships in the franchise. This isn’t a couple that very many people rooted for or even remember.