You’d think world peace was confirmed in recent times, what with the explosion of celebration around the world. However, it was the announcement that Spider-Man would be returning to the Marvel Cinematic Universe in 2021 that brought this outpouring of happiness. Now that the third Spider-Man film is confirmed, the door is open for the dozens and more Avengers we saw in Endgame to appear in this movie.

But while there’s a world of potential for characters to make their mark here, we don’t think everyone should be included with open arms. To this end, here are 5 Avengers we believe would fare great in this film and 5 we don’t believe have an impact to make.

Don’t Want: Captain America

There’s a lot of ways Captain America could be brought back; these range turning him young again as they did with Ant-Man during Avengers: Endgame, or having a time-traveling Steve Rogers intervene. But we don’t want any of these scenarios.

Captain America really has retired, and it would make zero sense to have turned him into an old man in Avengers: Endgame, only to make him young again. The one time it might make sense to bring the Captain back would be for Avengers 5 or beyond, but the Spider-Man movies don’t need his influence anymore. Out of the questions we have over the MCU’s future, Steve Rogers is not included in them.

Want: The Incredible Hulk

No, we don’t want the Smart Hulk we got in his previous appearances because the fans are clamoring for the Incredible Hulk to come back. It was a much better dynamic when it was Bruce Banner turning into the Hulk rather than him being in the Hulk’s body, and having the dumber Hulk in a Spider-Man film would be a treat.

This would also give Bruce Banner something to do as well since it doesn’t seem like he’s doing much of anything anymore now that the Avengers are over with. Plus, being best buddies with Tony would mean Bruce would have something in common with Peter.

Don’t Want: Falcon (or The Winter Soldier)

Since The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is coming out, there’s no point in having Falcon in a Spider-Man film. Falcon could show, though, since he’s one of the grounded Avengers in terms of special abilities and won’t feel overpowered in the film; but he still won’t be a good fit.

There might be the temptation to show him as Captain America here, but that would just take focus away from Spider-Man himself. The Winter Soldier is a package deal with Falcon, so we don’t want him around lighter content the Spider-Man movies enjoy.

Want: Doctor Strange

When fake spoilers were leaked for Spider-Man: Far From Home, they contained Doctor Strange having an appearance in the film. While that obviously turned out to be false, the idea did hold certain promise.

Avengers: Infinity War established a relationship between Doctor Strange and Spider-Man, and it would awesome to see Peter visiting the sanctum in New York, where something similar to Thor’s experience in Thor: Ragnarok would await him. There’s a lot of further potential for comedic scenes featuring Stephen and Peter; not to mention the Doctor lighting up scenes with his magical abilities.

Don’t Want: Vision

WandaVision is expected to be released in early 2021, which would leave out room for Vision to potentially appear at the end of the year in the third Spider-Man film. And yet, does anyone think Vision would be a good fit here?

Rather than Vision, it is J.A.R.V.I.S. who would be a great addition to Spider-Man’s list of allies, considering his ties to Tony Stark. Vision is too, dare we say it, boring to be an engaging character with Peter. Even in Spider-Man: Homecoming, Vision wasn’t seen because he would just cause the pacing of the film to drop.

Want: Ant-Man

As soon as Bruce wondered aloud how there could be an Ant-Man and a Spider-Man in Avengers: Infinity War, we knew we wanted to see these two come across each other. Despite not having had any interaction yet, they did work together to kill Cull Obsidian in Avengers: Endgame, and there’s room for a lot more.

Personality-wise, these two are just about the same, with Scott coming across as an adult Peter Park, just with the powers of an ant. He could show up in the next film to assist Peter in some sneaking activities using his suit.

Don’t Want: Hawkeye

Out of the original six Avengers, Hawkeye seemed rather out of place as he was mainly just close with Black Widow. He and Spider-Man didn’t interact with each other during Captain America: Civil War, with there being nothing that Hawkeye could provide Peter with as far as character development is concerned. 

There’s also no correlation between the Hawkeye TV series and the next Spider-Man film, and we just don’t want to see Clint come out of retirement - for what feels like the nineteenth time - just to go back to his family.

Want: Scarlet Witch

This should only happen if Doctor Strange is also appearing in this film. We know for certain that Scarlet Witch will be joining forces with the Doctor in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, and their partnership will be in greater focus if they arrive to help Peter.

More than that, the film could expand on the Multiverse idea, with Scarlet Witch arriving to either protect Peter from foes from different universes or to recruit him to join the cause. This would add weight to the next Spider-Man film, as well as make Scarlet Witch a bona fide Avenger.

Don’t Want: Iron Man

The door should be firmly shut on Tony Stark now that Far From Home focused so heavily on his loss. Spider-Man: Homecoming had featured Tony taking the reins as the mentor figure, which means he’s done everything he could.

As the norm for the MCU is to deliver trilogies (Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 will follow soon as well), the potentially final Spider-Man film for a while should have Peter taking centerstage. Some resemblance to Tony is acceptable, but Tony himself being there as a constant presence shouldn’t be the case.

Want: Thor

Thor has easily become the most entertaining character in the MCU after his personality overhaul in Ragnarok, and this streak should continue with the third Spider-Man, where he establishes a connection with Peter.

It seems like too much of a missed opportunity not to pair these two together, with Chris Hemsworth and Tom Holland already having great chemistry in the previous film they starred in. As Thor: Love and Thunder will arrive after the next Spider-Man, we can have Spidey come across Fat Thor, following which hilarity ensues. This could also be the first lesson Thor can have in finding his true purpose; what better way than coaching the protege of his deceased buddy?