Starting with the first Iron Man movie, the MCU has grown into the biggest franchise in Hollywood. The movies are massive superhero adventures that weave together different stories throughout the cinematic universe in an incredibly crowd-pleasing way. But that doesn’t mean the movies are flawless.

  • The MCU continues to grow with Phase 4 nearly complete and plenty more exciting projects on the way. But as much as fans might love the MCU movies, they are certainly not perfect. Each new entry in the cinematic universe is filled with goofs and mistakes that fans will no doubt catch on their many rewatches. And while the filmmakers might have wished these aspects didn’t make the final cut, they can be pretty funny when you notice them.

Every movie features the occasional mistake that slips past the filmmakers and ends up in the final movie. From on-set mistakes to inconsistencies in the mythology to those simple continuity errors, these goofs might not ruin the MCU movies, but they can provide a good laugh when fans spot them.

Ross Magically Arrives - Black Widow (2021)

The prequel movie Black Widow takes place before the events of Avengers: Infinity War, which means it ends with Natasha having to go back to her life with the Avengers. After taking down the Red Room, Thaddeus Ross and his team arrive to apprehend her.

However, it doesn’t make any sense that Ross would be there at that exact moment. He had been tracking Natasha, but it is shown that he has been very unsuccessful at it. So it’s hard not to laugh when he suddenly appears in Yemen after she escapes a secret floating lair.

Wenwu Doesn’t Know What Mandarin Means - Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings (2021)

Wenwu established himself as perhaps the best Phase 4 villain in the MCU. The character also reimagines the problematic villain The Mandarin as a more complex and interesting version. Wenwu even mocks the name The Mandarin that was given to him.

However, while the name might be ignorant, his claim that they named him after an orange is not very accurate. Mandarin was a term used by foreign parties to describe Chinese officials, which Wenwu likely would have been aware of.

The Emergence Should Have Destroyed Earth - Eternals (2021)

The climax of Eternals finds the heroes trying to stop the Emergence, an event in which the Celestial lying dormant in Earth’s core emerges, thus destroying the planet. They manage to stop it before the Emergence is complete, leaving parts of the giant being sticking out of the water.

However, it is not as if the Celestial was hiding just beneath the surface. The movie clearly shows they emerge from the planet’s core. So if part of its head was able to reach the surface that means it would have emerged enough to destroy Earth.

Octavius Didn’t Know Who Green Goblin Was - Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

Along with the various Spider-Men returning, it was great to see some fan-favorite villains show up in Spider-Man: No Way Home. This is first revealed with Alfred Molina’s Doc Ock confronting Peter only for their fight to be interrupted by Green Goblin.

When Ock sees Green Goblin in his iconic costume, he recognizes him as Norman Osborn. However, in the universe they share, it was not public knowledge that Osborn was Green Goblin and there was no indication that Doc Ock knew this.

Korg’s Mother - Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)

After being introduced in Thor: Ragnarok, Korg quickly emerged as one of the funniest MCU characters. His humorous sidekick role continues in Thor: Love and Thunder which reveals more about him, including that he is born to two fathers, just like the rest of his species.

While this is a fun detail with a great callback at the end, it is slightly undone by the fact that Korg mentions having a mother in Thor: Ragnarok.

Tony’s Upside-Down Mug - Iron Man (2008)

Undoubtedly, Tony Stark is one of the smartest characters in the MCU. His movies often feature him working hard in his lab on his latest upgrades and ground-breaking tech. But one hilarious overlooked prop made Tony look quite foolish.

In Iron Man, Tony is working at his desk where an upside-down coffee mug can be seen. But in a subsequent shot, he is seen sipping from the same mug. Though he is often focused on work, it seems likely he’d notice there’s nothing in the cup.

New Asgard’s Contradictory Location - Avengers: Endgame (2019)

Following the destruction of Asgard, Thor leads his people to Earth in order to establish a new home. Avengers: Endgame reveals the new home is in Tonsberg, Norway which is a nice callback to where the Tesseract was hidden in Captain America: The First Avenger.

But this fun connection is slightly let down by some overlooked details. The license plate on the truck Hulk and Rocket are driving as well as the phone number on the pizza boxes in Thor’s house are both from the United Kingdom.

Crew Member Makes A Cameo - Doctor Strange (2016)

Doctor Strange helped to introduce magic into the MCU, which continues to have very interesting effects on the universe as a whole. Unfortunately, there were no spells able to remove a wayward crew member from appearing in a shot.

As Strange explores the armory with all kinds of magic weapons, including his trusty cloak, a crew member can be seen standing in the background. What makes it even funnier is that the man doesn’t seem to be doing anything, and it makes the audience wonder why they are even there.

Wrong Directions - Thor: The Dark World (2013)

Given the fact that Thor can fly around and be transported across the universe with the Bifrost, it makes sense that he is not familiar with public transportation. In the midst of the climactic battle, Thor finds himself in the London subway station asking for directions to Greenwich.

While a seemingly helpful woman advises him to travel three more stops, those familiar with the London subway system recognized that Thor isn’t even on the right train. Was the woman just incompetent, or a secret Hydra agent looking to foil the hero?

Gamora’s Origins - Guardians Of The Galaxy (2014)

The subject of the eradication of an entire species is certainly not funny, but it also seems like something Marvel would want to be pretty consistent on. When Gamora is captured by the Nova Corps in Guardians of the Galaxy, it is noted that she is the last survivor of her people after Thanos killed them all.

However, Avengers: Infinity War shows a flashback in which Thanos is trying out his new balancing theory by killing only half of Gamora’s homeworld, which suggests there are quite a few more of her people out there.

Cap’s Magic Repairing Shield - Avengers: Endgame (2019)

Captain America’s shield is one of the best weapons in the MCU movies. It has helped Cap through countless battles, but when facing off with Thanos, the Mad Titan manages to smash the shield and break it nearly in half.

It is an impactful moment and adds to the sense of Cap’s potential death. However, when the rest of the heroes return through the portal, a wide shot reveals Cap standing on the battlefield with his shield completely intact.

Ant-Man Duplicates - Avengers: Endgame (2019)

Perhaps the most epic moment in the entire MCU is the climactic battle in Avengers: Endgame. It is such a thrill to see virtually every hero in the cinematic universe coming together to take on Thanos’ army. But it seems like, with so many heroes together, the filmmakers lost track of them at times.

When the heroes need to open the Quantum Portal, Scott Lang sets out to hot-wire the van to get it running. But a moment later, he is seen in Giant-Man form in the middle of the battle.

Doctor Strange Is Unhygienic - Doctor Strange (2016)

When Stephen Strange is introduced in Doctor Strange, he is a brilliant surgeon who is able to save lives by performing impossible procedures. However, as talented as he might be, he is also shown to be quite careless as a doctor when it comes to hygiene.

When Strange is shown prepping for surgery, he washes his hands and then puts on his face mask. Many actual doctors in the audience were quick to point out that this is very much against protocol as Strange’s hands would have then been possibly contaminated before performing the surgery.

Black Widow’s Powerful Hair - The Avengers (2012)

Though she doesn’t have powers like many of her heroic colleagues, Black Widow is one of the best fighters in the MCU. She wastes no time showing off her skills in her first scene in The Avengers when she takes on a group of Russian thugs.

But while Black Widow packs a powerful punch, it’s her hair that is really formidable. In what was surely meant to be a headbutt, Black Widow throws her head back at a thug, but the stuntman seemed to misjudge things and he is obviously hit in the face with her hair. Regardless, he sells the moment and goes down hard.

Spider-Man’s Video Diary - Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

After a long wait, Spider-Man made his debut in the MCU in Captain America: Civil War. He stole the show as the young hero who was just happy to be included in the fun. This is extended in Spider-Man: Homecoming when it is revealed Peter Parker made a video diary of his time as an Avenger.

The gimmick is a funny way to start the movie, but it also defies the reality of the situation. The diary gives another viewpoint of Spider-Man’s introduction as he lands and says, “Hey everyone.” However, that is not how the exchange went down in Captain America: Civil War.

Next: The 20 Best MCU Quotes