In large franchises like the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there are always large fandoms. One staple of fandoms is shipping, and there are many ships in the MCU. Steve Rogers is a character who is extremely popular in shipping fandom and fans have put him with a variety of characters over the years. While he might end up with Peggy Carter in the canon, this doesn’t stop people from envisioning other relationships that would make sense for him.

Here are ten other people that Steve Rogers could have had a romantic relationship with other than Peggy Carter.

Carol Danvers

Steve and Carol aren’t exactly a popular ship in the MCU fandom, but it would make sense in a lot of ways. While these two only had minimal on-screen interactions, they do have quite a lot of things in common.

They are both warriors at heart who try to do the right thing and lookout for people who can’t protect themselves. They also both have a military background but are then confronted with the knowledge that the organization they devoted their lives to is corrupt. Their leadership skills and good hearts would make them a good pair.

Bruce Banner

Steve and Bruce are another rare pair that hasn’t been talked about or written about a lot. There are definitely more popular pairings for both of these characters, but this doesn’t mean they would be awful together.

They both care about people quite deeply and want to protect others. Steve could provide encouragement to Bruce who tends to struggle with his self-esteem and Bruce could offer Steve a safe place to express his emotions.

Wanda Maximoff

Given that there aren’t any LGBT+ canon relationships in the MCU, it’s not surprising that some of the most popular fanon pairings are LGBT. This is because it allows people to explore relationships that aren’t represented as often.

While many of the popular Steve Rogers pairings are with other men, there are some pairings with women, too. Wanda and Steve are teammates and seem to have a caring relationship and close friendship which could translate to a romance.


While there are more popular male/male pairings for Steve, there are some fans who enjoy Steve and Thor together. These two are clearly good friends and have a jovial, bantering relationship.

They overall get along quite well and seem to respect each other. Their interactions are usually positive, and Thor would provide a more lighthearted relationship to Steve who tends to be a little moodier. The sweetness of this pairing makes it popular with some fans.

Sharon Carter

Sharon Carter is the only character on this list that Steve from the MCU did have a canon romantic relationship with at one point. While many people weren’t fans of how this relationship was handled in canon, these two could have been good together. If the films had focused more on developing Sharon as her own character and giving these two scenes together, they could have made a lot of sense.


This is another pairing that isn’t particularly popular because there are other Steve Rogers ships that are huge. However, given their interactions in the movies, Steve and T’Challa could be great together.

They are both somewhat serious in nature but care a lot about the people they lead. T’Challa provided a safe haven for Steve and Bucky to live, and it’s clear that Steve is grateful to him. They seem to have a mutual trust and respect for one another that could translate to a romance.

Natasha Romanoff

Other than the canon heterosexual pairings that Steve was in with Peggy and then Sharon, Steve and Natasha is the most popular heterosexual pairing of Steve in the MCU. The fact that these two are so close friends and care so deeply about one another is why many fans can see these two together.

They definitely have a deep foundation of friendship and respect that would transfer easily into romance, so overall, they are a great pairing.

Tony Stark

For people involved with shipping Steve Rogers in fandom, it’s not surprising that Tony Stark is one of the most popular characters that Steve is shipped with. Many people have shipped these two from the comics for years, and the on-screen chemistry between Tony and Steve has led many fans of the MCU to like the pairing, too.

While their relationship can be up and down, they clearly care about one another and have passionate feelings about each other for better or worse. While these two don’t always get along, they do challenge one another, and they make for a rather magnetic ship.

Sam Wilson

In the MCU, Steve Rogers has two best friends that people can see him having a romantic relationship with. One of these best friends is Sam Wilson. Fans of this ship have pointed out that they are loyal to one another and always have each other’s backs. They also have a friendly bantering element to their friendship that could be read as flirting.

Given their military backgrounds and traumas, they also have a lot of things they can bond over and help each other with.

Bucky Barnes

While the Steve/Tony, or Stony, ship might be really popular, the most popular Steve Rogers ship in MCU fandom is Steve and Bucky. This ship is one of the most prominent across the board in the MCU, and it’s not hard to see why. Bucky Barnes and Steve were close friends since childhood, and Bucky is a big part of the Captain America trilogy.

It’s clear that saving Bucky and caring for him is hugely important to Steve Rogers as a character. Many people feel like they have one of the most developed relationships in the MCU and that they should have been more than just friends.