Part of the great fun of the MCU is seeing all these iconic heroes sharing the screen. The climax of Avengers: Endgame which featured virtually every Marvel hero charging into battle together was an unforgettable cinematic moment. However, sometimes it’s nice to see the heroes meet on a more personal level.

These movies do a great job of finding interesting pairings with their characters, like Thor and Rocket, or Tony and Banner. Sometimes it’s interesting to see characters who have similarities, sometimes it’s characters who will butt heads and sometimes it’s just seeing the actors together. Here are some MCU pairings we wish we saw in the Infinity Saga.

Vision And Drax

On paper, Vision and Drax don’t seem like two characters that would be so interesting together. However, these two might be the most socially oblivious characters in the MCU so that could make for some hilarious interactions.

Vision is a fairly new being who is still getting used to normal social interaction which can sometimes lead to him being awkwardly blunt. Meanwhile, Drax seems to have no social barriers to speak of. A conversation between these two could be fascinating.

Shuri And Peter Parker

It would have been great fun to see the two youngest members of the Avengers share some time on the big screen. Peter Parker and Shuri bring a lot of youthful energy to the superhero world and they seem like they would have clicked right away.

Peter would no doubt have been blown away by Shuri’s incredible intelligence while Shuri would probably have been entertained by Peter’s endless enthusiasm. Some fans even think the two would make for a perfect romantic couple if MJ wasn’t in the picture.

Ant-Man And Spider-Man

Sometimes a great pairing can be as simple as this. The two insect-based heroes in the MCU joining forces to take down the bad guys sounds like pure comic book fun. Banner even remarks in Avengers: Infinity War, “There’s an Ant-Man and a Spider-man?”.

Aside from the similarities in their superhero names, these characters just seem like they would have a lot of fun together. They are both among the goofier of the Avengers and the members of the team that seem most excited to be there.

Hulk And Groot

Hulk underwent a pretty drastic transformation in Endgame, becoming the much more personable Smart Hulk. However, before this, he was just a powerful hero of very few words. That is also a pretty good way of describing Groot.

The Groot that we were introduced to was a large, powerful yet friendly creature who wasn’t much of a conversationalist. Before, seeing these two characters try to have a conversation would have been hilarious. But with Smart Hulk and Teen Groot, it loses some of its fun.

Black Panther And Rocket

When it became clear that the Guardians of the Galaxy would be meeting up with the Avengers, many fans were wondering how the Earth-based humans would react to a talking raccoon. While Rocket became a key member of the remaining Avengers in Endgame, Black Panther is one hero we wish he’d spent some time with.

Unlike some of his fellow Avengers, T’Challa is a pretty serious guy. Being King of Wakanda means he has a lot of responsibilities and has no time for foolishness. To see him trying to make sense of Rocket and Rocket poking fun at him could have been great.

Ant-Man And Star-Lord

The MCU films have done an amazing job of casting their movies with some incredibly likable actors. With all the talent involved at this point, sometimes we just want to see what two particular actors would be like sharing a scene.

One of the pairings with the most potential for fun would be Paul Rudd as Ant-Man and Chris Pratt as Star-Lord. These two are hilarious actors in their own right as well as former Parks and Recreation cast members. To see them cracking jokes together in a superhero movie would have been so much fun.

Iron Man And Captain Marvel

Though she was teased as a key new character at the end of Infinity War, fans were surprised how little Captain Marvel actually appeared in Endgame. In fact, despite saving him from space, Carol didn’t even share any real screen time with Tony Stark.

It’s hard to say what would make these two characters so interesting to watch together, but it probably has to do with their alpha personalities. Tony cannot always be an easy guy to get along with, but Carol is someone who would push back against his ego which could have made for some interesting dynamics.

Gamora And Black Widow

It’s interesting how two characters who have never met can share so much in common. Black Widow and Gamora never even stepped foot on the same planet at the same time yet their stories have so many similarities.

Both of these heroes were taken as small children and trained to be master assassins before turning over a new leaf and finding a new family. They even die the same way on Vormir to obtain the Soul Stone. It could have been really interesting to see their shared pain addressed.

Hank Pym And Tony Stark

Old grudges are nothing new in the MCU but the one between Hank Pym and the Starks is one that was worth exploring some more. We see that Hank worked with Howard Stark back in the day and that they didn’t end things on a good note. He seems to have even less of an opinion of Tony, refusing to let him anywhere near his tech.

Tony is not someone who takes criticism well so you can bet he would fight back against whatever Hank threw at him. Given the potential mutual dislike, it would have been fun to see the two geniuses forced to work together.

Captain Marvel And Captain America

We all pretty much expected that Captain America would be done in the MCU follows Endgame, though we might not have guessed that we would have retired. With him stepping down, it would have been great to see him passing the torch to the MCU’s newest captain.

Captain Marvel actually shares a lot in common with Steve Rogers. They are both proud members of the military and they have both seen their loved ones grow old without them. While the two share a few lines of dialogue, we wish there was a little more bonding.