It’s been another big year for the MCU, with Captain Marvel, Avengers: Endgame, and Spider-Man: Far From Home all going down a treat with both fans and critics alike. People are already counting down the days until the franchise returns with the Black Widow solo movie next year, and there’s a reason why: it’s been quite the journey so far.

With that in mind we now take a look at the 10 biggest moments from the entirety of the MCU so far, explaining what makes them important enough to make the list.

Nick Fury Meets Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel’s solo movie released earlier this year and among the biggest revelations from the entire movie was the fact that she and Nick Fury have known each other for quite some time. Years, in fact.

Fury meets Carol Danvers on earth during the early moments of her solo movie as she leads the Kree’s fight against the Skrulls, falling into an old Blockbuster store while pursuing one of them. Eventually they team up, turn against the Kree and ensure the surviving Skrulls live in peace, away from any threat. This is the moment where it’s revealed Fury has been hiding Captain Marvel away from the rest of the world for a time where she’ll be needed. And that time also came this year…

I Am Iron Man

Iron Man was the movie that kick-started the MCU, with Robert Downey’s Jr’s portrayal of Tony Stark something straight out of the core comic book material. And while it’s pretty crucial that he beats Obadiah Stane, AKA The Iron Monger, what’s even bigger is what happens at the end of the blockbuster.

In a superhero first, Stark announces to the world that he is Iron Man. And this acts as an open invite to his enemies with many over the coming years trying to topple him and his technological empire. Had Start kept his second job secret, the Avengers could have had an easier time of things. But, because he went public, it presents the perfect opportunity for his enemies to take him down.

The Avengers Meet

We knew the Avengers was on the cards as far back as 2008’s The Incredible Hulk, when Nick Fury informs Tony Stark that he’s become part of a world bigger than himself. Therefore, when the Avengers movie came out in 2012, it was always destined to be big.

And it was. It’s the movie where we see Iron Man, Captain America and Thor all meeting for the first time, with audiences previously getting the chance to know the characters during their respective solo movies. Things start badly with the trio all facing off against each other but they eventually put aside their differences and work together to keep earth safe.

The Avengers Win

The first time the Avengers meet was always going to be big - but what arguably triumphs it is the first time they win. This happens in the same movie when New York City finds itself under attack from the Chitauri fleet who are being led by God of Mischief Loki on the orders of Thanos.

It is the start of something special as every member of the team plays a key role in keeping the city and its population safe from enemy attack. In the end it’s left to Iron Man to save the day, with Tony Stark flying a nuclear bomb into the Chitauri’s base - nearly sacrificing himself. The heroes then go to dinner together and it’s clear from this moment on they’ll be operating in that exact way: together.

Steve Discovers Bucky Is Alive

Steve Rogers thought he had seen the last of Bucky Barnes when the latter tumbled off a freight train during Captain America: The First Avenger. However, that isn’t the case with Bucky instead become a Hydra guinea pig and being transformed into The Winter Soldier, who becomes the villain of the appropriately-titled sequel Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

Cap desperately battles his former friend, trying to jog old memories and get him to abandon his mission of eliminating all enemy threats. And this is the movie where we get the first sense of how vital their relationship is not just to each other, but other MCU characters as well.

Civil War

Steve’s loyalty to Bucky and determination to steer his friend back onto a right and noble path ultimately leads to conflict in 2016’s Captain America: Civil War. And Civil War itself is a vital moment due to the fact it’s where the Avengers disband and begin to operate separately, rather than together.

What’s most devastating about the movie is how Captain America and Iron Man fight on opposing sides, refusing to put the good of the world first and instead going to war for individualistic reasons. This moment also means the Avengers become weaker and gives Thanos the advantage when he attacks earth amid his desire to collect all six Infinity Stones two years later. Had they stayed together, they may have won first time around.

The Snap

The snap was, hands down, the biggest moment in MCU history prior to the release of Avengers: Endgame. It was the first time we see our heroes lose, and lose big, with half of the entire universe perishing when Thanos succeeds in his quest to snap his fingers and eliminate half of all life.

It is a truly groundbreaking event for two reasons. One, it sees valued heroes such as Spider-Man, Star Lord, Black Panther, Doctor Strange and Bucky Barnes all dusted - literally. And two because it renders the world a giant mess for five years with humanity unable to come to terms with Thanos’ barbaric act of cruelty.

Ant-Man Enters The Quantum Realm

Ant-Man and the Wasp is not one of the best MCU movies. It’s a welcome tonic following the sob fest that was Infinity War, however, with Paul Rudd’s Scott Lang, Michael Pena’s Luis an even Michael Douglas’ Hank Pym all providing us with laughs. However, with a forgettable villain, it fails to rank as high as other blockbusters in the franchise.

That’s not to say it’s completely useless, though, with the movie containing the massive scene of Hank Pym venturing into the Quantum Realm to save his wife and Scott doing the same at the end of the movie. This paves the way for time travel which, even in a franchise as convoluted as the MCU, is something pretty special.

Getting Time Travel To Work

Avengers: Endgame is a movie that clocks in at just over three hours and, because it’s so long, it contains many important moments. Arguably the second-biggest of the entire movie comes extremely early on when Tony Stark figures out a way for time travel to work.

Previously, Stark had refused to even entertain the idea that time would help them bring Thanos’ snapped victims back to life. He had been pretty clear on that when Captain America, Ant-Man and Black Widow all traveled to his cozy shack to try and talk him into it. However, Stark’s curiosity gets the better of him and his discovery creates a path for the Avengers to win and right the wrongs of five years before.

The End Of An Era

Iron Man’s sacrifice at the end of Avengers: Endgame is a huge moment in the series. Not just because he turns Thanos into dust with a click of his fingers - but it also signifies the end of an era.

Tony Stark’s death means his time in the MCU is over, while Bruce Banner’s involvement going forward is up in the air following the injury he sustains when bringing the dead back. Captain America travels back in time to be with Peggy Carter - so he’s out of the picture too. Thor is the only member of the ‘big three’ still going but he, too, will no doubt change when he goes on adventures with the Guardians of the Galaxy.