Whether you’re living on the “most boring street in the whole United States of America, where nothing even remotely dangerous will ever happen,” or eating junk and watching rubbish, it’s always a good time to watch the classic holiday movie Home Alone. Most of us have made “the face” along with Kevin, mimicking The Scream painting in the process, but have you ever wondered which characters’ MBTI personality scores might be closest to your own?

From the brilliant mastermind Kevin to his frazzled yet dedicated mother, each member of the McCallister family, along with the Wet Bandits who attempt to rob them, has a distinctive personality.

Kevin McCallister: ENTP

Precocious Kevin McCallister might seem like he’s nothing but an annoying eight-year-old child when the audience first meets him, but the sly kid is definitely more than meets the eye. As an ENTP, Kevin is the Debater, a curious and creative kid who would play devil’s advocate just to see what happens.

Kevin actually thinks he made his own family vanish overnight and he sees invaders attempting to break into his home not as the terrifying reality that most people would find them to be, but a challenge perfect for his own ingenious mind to tackle. Outwitting the Wet Bandits gives Kevin the ultimate pleasure, as we see when they’re picked up by the cops.

Kate McCallister: ISFJ

Kevin’s mother, Kate McCallister, is played wonderfully by the lovely Catherine O’Hara and represents the epitome of the Defender. Kate is incredibly dedicated to her family, and is usually the most observant and reliable member. Too much rests on her shoulders, though, which is how she is able to forget Kevin in the first place.

Like other ISFJs, Kate is complicated and a sociable person, but only with those she is close to, which is why she’s reluctant to bond with Gus and his polka band members. Still, she’s willing to reach out of her comfort zone and do whatever it takes to get to Kevin.

Marley: ISTP

While Kevin’s quiet neighbor is the stuff of neighborhood legends and nightmares at first, he obviously proves to be a much different man than Buzz paints him to be. The Boo Radley of this story, Mr. Marley is an ISTP, a practical Virtuoso who knows what to do with a shovel. He’s the best person to have at your side in a crisis, and he prioritizes what’s important in his life to the point of sneaking in to watch his granddaughter sing even when he’s estranged from her parents.

Like other ISTPs, Marley is quite private and reserved, but he’s introverted to the point of becoming a neighborhood ghost story. Logical and frank, he doesn’t mince words, but he also doesn’t say more than what needs to be said.

Harry Lime: ESTP

The leader of the Wet Bandits, Harry Lime is an ESTP. He’s a big risk taker, entering peoples’ homes as a police officer in order to case them out, even going as far as to talk with his victims and assure them that they are safe! Despite his temper, he’s a charismatic man who can smooth talk most people. Bold and perceptive, Harry knows which houses to hit is direct about how he’s going to do it.

Like other Entrepreneurs, Harry is very impatient, and he hates waiting on the McCallister home. He’s risk prone and doesn’t take the careful route, which is both how he’s been successful and how he meets his downfall. Harry gets stuck on this one house, which is ultimately how he gets caught.

Buzz McCallister: ENTJ

The crassest of the McCallister clan, Buzz would likely be known as an “edgelord” if Home Alone were rebooted. Cold and ruthless to the point of being a bully, Buzz is an ENTJ, or a Commander. The strong-willed teen spreads rumors, womanizes young women he hasn’t even met yet and keeps stashes of all kinds of contraband from his parents, from fireworks to racy magazines. He even has a pet tarantula that speaks of his self-confidence.

When he’s grown, Buzz might make a great leader if he hones in on his skills and works on his weaknesses. If he does the opposite, he’ll still make a decent dictator.

Marv Merchants: ISFP

What Marv Merchants lacks in intellect he makes up for in enthusiasm. As an Adventurer, or an ISFP, Marv gets excited about each house he targets and even leaves a “calling card,” which isn’t very bright but does point toward his need to express himself and give his team a nickname - the Wet Bandits.

Marv is an introverted man who prefers the company of his one close friend, Harry, which is why Harry does the talking. He’s much more artistic than his friend, but he’s also quite unpredictable and can get easily stressed, which explains why he’s easily overcome by an eight-year-old child.

Gus Polinkski: ESFP

John Candy’s cameo character, Gus Polanski, is the kind of person audiences would absolutely expect to put polka on the map. He’s got great people skills and loves to be the center of attention, even if it means sacrificing family time for his dream. The fact that Entertainers like him are easily bored and don’t like to focus on something, plan ahead or deal with conflict is probably why he spends so much time on the road, too, since all of those things are required of parents, partners and adulting in general.

Still, he’s a fun and original guy with a kind heart who hears Kate’s story and knows he can help, so he makes an offer and shares his polka world with her.

Uncle Frank: ESTJ

While it’s common for older brothers to pick on their younger siblings, an uncle doing so to his nephew is unconscionable. No matter how annoying Kevin is, Uncle Frank is old enough to know better, and this ESTJ, or Executive, is practically textbook: he is so direct and straightforward that his honesty hurts, and he’s the judgmental uncle you avoid during the holidays.

Uncle Frank hates anything that defies his conventional worldview, and Kevin pretty much does that with every breath. He’s not a very flexible person, which only further exacerbates his discomfort and displeasure with the world around him.

Linnie McCallister: ENTJ

Less annoying than but just as precocious as her younger brother, Linnie McCallister shares a personality with her older brother, Buzz. The difference is that she’s a much more positive ENTJ, or Commander, whose energy and confidence is much more inspiring. Linnie uses her charisma not to intimidate or frighten but to invite people into her world.

Linnie’s still a bit arrogant and callous, as many ENTJs are wont to be, and she demonstrates this when she insults Kevin in an entirely different language, flaunting her French skills in front of him when she knows he won’t understand what she means.

Peter McCallister: ESFJ

An easygoing father who is loved by everyone, Peter McCallister is a kind and caring man who is so selfless that he opens up his home (and checkbook) to his enormous family during the holidays. A loyal family man, Peter’s practical nature and strong sense of duty make him a good father and husband, and he reassures his wife that everything’s going to be okay, even though he’s kind of wrong about that.

Like other Consul personalities, Peter can be too selfless, which is why his brother takes advantage of him and his hospitality so easily. Consul parents want their kids to be happy and safe, which is Peter’s top priority.